However, there are some misconceptions around the physical impact of spinning that Alana is keen to dispel. Spinning is a great workout for improving cardiovascular health as it increases your heart rate and blood flow. 'Spinning is a total body, low impact, high intensity cardiovascular workout, so you get a lot of bang for your buck and it's a really time efficient way to workout,' says Alana Murrin, Head of Ride at Psycle.
What's more, if in-person spin classes aren't your thing or you're time-poor, our experts have tested exercise bikes to bring you an edit of the best at the end of this article. We tested out a 3-week spin challenge at one of London's coolest fitness studios - Psycle - to see how taking up regular spinning could transform our fitness, as well as our mental wellbeing and physical appearance. If you're searching for a new fitness challenge – or simply looking for a way to boost your endorphin levels and improve your overall health – spinning could be just the activity you're looking for.